5 Ways To Spruce Up Your Home For Spring


If there was ever a good time of year to freshen up and update your home in Harrogate it would be springtime. After a long and cold winter, the sun is finally starting to shine, the flowers are flourishing, and you no longer have to wear three layers of clothing just to leave the house.


Spring has sprung, and you feel upbeat, motivated and ready for action to elevate your home. It’s the perfect time to update your home and embrace this year’s latest interior design trends.


Not sure where to begin?


Keep reading to discover five ways to spruce up your home for spring, and don’t worry, it won’t cost you the earth!


The Spring Season Spruce Up

Embrace natural light

One of the simplest ways to make your property in Harrogate feel more spring-like is to ensure you are making the most of any natural light within your home. It can be as basic a task as moving the furniture around a bit so that the key areas in each room are basked in sunshine.


For example, try moving your sofa to the sun facing part of your living room, as close to the window as possible. You no longer need to worry about draughts as the warmer weather is well on its way.


Alternatively, if you have a little money to spend, why not consider installing a roof light? Not only will this massively increase the amount of natural light let into your home, but it will also help to cut your energy bills and make your home more attractive to potential buyers if you decide to sell.


Colour me beautiful

If you want a quick and easy way to update your home for spring, then you can’t go wrong with a fresh coat of paint on the walls. With this spring’s trending colours being muted pink, baby blue and mint green, you are spoilt for choice when it comes to redecorating your home.


On the other hand, if you prefer to keep your walls neutral, you could incorporate the above colours into your furniture and home accessories instead. Think freshly painted dining room chairs, a newly acquired mint green sofa or a few muted pink lampshades.


Clear out the clutter

Nothing says spring quite like a thorough spring clean of your home. It is almost a rite of passage for transitioning from the cold weather to the warm; it just has to be done.


Now, if the thought of clearing out all your cupboards and drawers, not to mention the space under your bed where you stash everything and anything that you want out of sight, brings you out in a cold sweat, then don’t worry, you are not alone.


Homeowners want a quick fix when it comes to ways to spring clean their home. They want hacks. They want miracle cures that will turn their dusty home into a sparkling paradise.


Thankfully, for those of you who are not so keen on spring-cleaning, it can be done in just one day.


Firstly, you need a checklist of the cleaning tasks you want to complete, and then you simply need to work your way through each room. A slap-dash approach will not cut it if you want to be done in a day.


Be thorough, but don’t get bogged down with one individual task. Create a checklist to spring-clean your home and systematically follow it. Clearing the clutter is great when home-staging too!


Be fabulous with flora and fruit

Another simple yet highly effective way to update your home this spring is with the art of flower arranging. You don’t even have to spend a lot of money buying expensive flowers from your local garden centre. Just head outside to your garden and take your pick.


Most people have a variety of spring flowers growing in their gardens, from daffodils to tulips to gladioli. All of which will look stunning arranged in a spring-inspired vase or two.


Another great tip is to fill a bowl with lemons – choose the unwaxed variety - and place it in your hallway or on your dining room table. Not only will they instantly brighten up any room, but they will smell fresh, and look amazing and quirky, too.


Adopt spring-inspired accessories

If you want to completely transform the look of a room without making any major changes, home accessories are the way to go. Luckily, the shops and supermarkets are awash with spring-inspired home furnishings, from cushions emblazoned with cute animals that come out at this time of year to throws adorned with flowers and decorative, lightweight rugs.


What Next?

Looking to Sell in Harrogate?

Spring is the season of opportunities, so be sure to seize yours, especially when sprucing up your home in Harrogate. For a valuation go here! 


If you are planning on moving to the Harrogate area soon, why not telephone us or call in. We'll happily advise you on our available properties in the area.

Contact us on 01423 582020 for more information.


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Frequently Asked Questions About A Home Spruce Up in the Spring Weather

How can I incorporate spring decor into my dining table arrangement without a major overhaul?

Consider adding fresh flowers in a vase, opting for pastel-coloured tableware, or introducing spring-inspired placemats to give your dining area a refreshing seasonal touch.

Any quick tips for sprucing up my outdoor space this spring?

Enhance your outdoor area by placing a spring wreath on the front door, adding vibrant cushions to your outdoor furniture, and incorporating potted plants or fresh flowers to create a welcoming and lively atmosphere.

What are some budget-friendly spring decor ideas?

Refresh your coffee table by arranging a bowl of lemons or a vase of seasonal flowers. You can also consider adding a lightweight spring-themed rug underneath for a subtle yet effective update.

How can I bring fresh flowers into my home without spending a fortune?

Head to your garden and pick spring flowers like daffodils or tulips to create beautiful arrangements in inexpensive vases. This simple, cost-effective solution adds a touch of nature and freshness to any room.

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