7 Home Selling Myths...Busted By Your Local Harrogate Estate Agent!


When it comes to selling your home in Harrogate, there’s a lot of overwhelming information and old wives tales out there, and it can sometimes be difficult separating the facts from the fiction.


Advice often comes from well-meaning friends or family members who are just trying to be helpful, but in reality, they are not property experts!


Our experienced team at TLC Yorkshire Property Ltd are all passionate estate agents with many years of experience between us. So, to ensure you are in possession of the correct information, here are seven home selling myths you’re likely to hear and why they’re not to be believed!


1. Overpricing Your Harrogate Property Will Lead to Better Offers

Unfortunately, many sellers believe that by overpricing their Harrogate property, it leaves more room for negotiation and ultimately a better offer. That’s why we often see sellers marketing their properties for sale in Harrogate with the agent who has simply given the highest valuation!

However, this is entirely false.


When buyers are looking at houses for sale in Harrogate, they’ll search within their price range. If your property price has been inflated, then it’s going to be competing against other properties that appear to be far better value for money, rather than sitting in the price bracket it should be in! This potentially means it will stay on the market for longer.

Buyers whose budget doesn’t stretch to the higher price range will miss your property altogether as they’re not looking in that price bracket.


You’ll attract more offers and sell your property in Harrogate more quickly if it’s been priced fairly. It gives it a chance to stand out among other properties in its price range, rather than being a poor relation in the higher price category. And you’re more likely to see interested parties competing upwards rather than knocking you down.


2. Getting an Immediate Offer Means it’s Priced Too Low

If you’ve resisted the urge to overprice your home and an offer comes in straight away, it’s tempting to think that you may have missed a trick by not marketing it at a higher price. After all, if you had done, then you could be a few thousand pounds better off, surely?


Again, this is false. Most buyers scour the Harrogate property market for a couple of months, waiting for the perfect place to come up, so it's likely they’ve jumped in immediately to avoid missing out. Remember too that if you had overpriced your home, there’s a chance they wouldn’t have found it in the first place.


3. A Better Offer Will Come Along if You Wait

This is another all too familiar trap that sellers fall into. After all, if you’ve had an offer on the same day your home has gone on sale, then surely there’s likely to be a whole queue of buyers lining up for it?


No, not necessarily.


You might just have been lucky enough to have the right buyer come along at the right time. If you receive a fair offer, then it’s usually best to accept it whether your property has been on the market for hours, days, weeks or months.


4. The Harrogate Estate Agent With the Lowest Commission is the Best Option

While you’ll naturally want to earn as much money from your property sale as possible, it doesn’t mean you should sign a contract with the estate agent who offers the cheapest fees.

Selling a property can be a very stressful process. A good estate agent will help make it as smooth as possible while communicating effectively and providing outstanding service, so it’s crucial you weigh up what’s included in their fee. Although it’s tempting to cut costs as much as possible in the short term, you might come to regret it over the longer term, especially if your property isn’t getting the views you would like.


5. Major Renovations Will Offer the Biggest Return on Investment

Many homeowners are under the impression that if they spend thousands of pounds on a conservatory, a swimming pool or a landscaped garden, they’ll be able to add the cost of it to the house when they come to sell. Sadly, it’s not quite as simple as this. Not all buyers will want to maintain a pool or require the space that a conservatory ultimately takes away from their garden, for example. Many buyers prefer to start with a blank canvas too, so they can add their own renovations.


That’s not to say that a major renovation is a bad idea, but if you’re only doing it to see a return when you come to sell, then consider the type of renovations that will bring you the best return.


6. It’s Not Worth Fixing the House up Before You Market it!

If you’ve decided to sell a property in Harrogate, it’s understandable that you may not be thinking about spending even more money on it. After all, it won’t be you seeing the benefits long-term. This logic is flawed, though, and it could cost you when it comes to getting the full asking price. A property that’s well maintained and looked after is far more appealing to buyers. Fixing broken fences and gates, tidying the garden, replacing broken windows or doors and giving any tired rooms a fresh lick of paint will go a long way towards achieving the true value of your Harrogate home.


7. Online Valuations are 100% Accurate

Online valuations are a fantastic tool, however, a basic online valuation of your property should be used only as a guide. Online tools don’t always take into account the condition of a property or the extra value you may have added. They’re simply using other similar sized and types of properties in your area as a guideline.


The best way to get your property valued is always to contact an experienced, local estate agent who will come and value your property in person.

TLC Yorkshire Property Ltd are your local estate agent in Harrogate. Call us on 07825 924690 or email tom@tlc-properties.co.uk to chat with a member of our friendly team.


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TLC Properties are your local estate agents in the Harrogate Area. Call us on 07825 924690 or email tom@tlc-properties.co.uk to find out how we can help you.


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